Hosting Churches in 2024

To fellow ministers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:

Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another (Romans 14:19)

Please note that we still have openings to host a Fellowship Meeting at your church, for this coming next year. Please let me know if you can host one of these months January through October 2024. Thanks!

Our fellowship meetings for this year 2024:

January – 16th 2024
Smyrna B C –
Pensacola, FL.
Pastor, Bill Adams

February – 20th 2024
Lighthouse BC
Milino, Fl.
Pastor, Ed Hicks

March – 19th 2024
Northstone B C –
Pensacola, Fl.
Pastor, James Johnson

April – 16th 2024
Bible Baptist Church
Pace, FL
Pastor, Nathan Stevenson

May – 21st 2024
Fisherman Baptist Church
Bon Secour, AL.
Pastor, Shawn Major

June – 18th 2024
Central Baptist – FWB
Pastor, Tim Boyd

July 16th 2024
Faith Baptist – Niceville, FL.
Pastor, Doug Stauffer

August – 20th 2024
Berean Baptist Church
Elberta, AL
Pastor – Jason Harvell

September 17th 2024
Crossroads BC
Mobile AL
Pastor, Stephen Newport

October 15th 2024
Westwood Baptist Church –
FWB, Fl.
Pastor, Greg Hill

Time and Schedule of meetings:
Continental breakfast 9:00 A.M.
Services begin at 10:00 A.M.
Two preaching messages.
Lunch following the service.

We look forward to meeting you if your schedule allows. Let me know if you have any questions concerning the meeting or would be interested in hosting a meeting at (850) 826-5673. We are looking forward to a great meeting and fellowship with like minded Pastors and Preachers.

Thanks for your commitment to fellowship.

In His Service, Pastor Mickey Muse
Mickey Muse – Moderator (850) 826 - 5673
Tim Boyd – Asst. Moderator (765) 577 - 0095