
(Psalm 85:6) Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? 


Most Independent Baptists would agree that America needs revival and that it should start with our churches. Yet many will not admit that they are the ones who need revival as much as others. Many pastors and church members do not see their own state of complacency or their satisfaction of just maintaining the aquarium, (status quo church). What would real revival look like in our churches if we had it?    


Have you ever asked yourself or considered that the church where you are a member needs reviving or what we would call revitalization?  By revitalization we mean an ongoing attitude of revival in the church that brings about change in the people and ministries of the church for God’s glory. If true revival comes then there will be change, because the church needed revival in many areas personally and collectively.  


You may not have ever heard the term revitalization used in a church. In the last few decades many have been using this term for a church that needs help to see their people as well as their ministries get a new vision for their church’s future. Most pastors are familiar with all types of church helps and church growth programs, methods, and books.

We have had these for decades with many new trends and methods of trying to grow and maintain the churches, all with little or no success in their ministries. If these things are working, then why are so many churches closing and pastors leaving the ministry?  


Sometimes churches and pastors get into habits and traditions within their ministries they believe are unchangeable or untouchable. In some churches it would cause a train wreck to change service times or use a power point.  What would happen if we asked how many revivals do we need in a year, or could we have some different music (not contemporary or worldly)? 

Maybe the church needs to rethink the method of its ministries or programs, (not saying stop them). Have you noticed there are many parked and broken-down buses as well as people?  There are many good traditions in churches, but do not let traditions and church habits that no longer work be a source of decline and hindrance to the church’s overall ministry. True revival will bring about Godly change that lasts and moves the church forward!   


To some, any change in the church is of the devil, and yet theywill allow many other kinds of changes in their personal and family lives. We are not saying that all change is good or right, but maybe there are some that could be good and right for the church you pastor.

If a church is just maintaining or is in decline, you need to make some changes.

Many churches and pastors are changing without even knowing they are. Of course, these are those who are changing slowly in the wrong direction.

Church decline and apathy in the pastor and people happens over time and in most cases without even noticing or accepting it.     We all should agree that revival is needed, but what is required to bring about a change of heart and attitude in the church so that we will be willing to accept the reality of that need?

Then will there be a willingness to yield to the Lord and make the appropriate changes that He desires?  


Next we will look at Church Revitalization and what it means to the church.  

May the Lord bless you and your church family this week!